350+ Action Words for Resume & Job Application
Create Your Resume NowYou’ve created a comprehensive resume, but you’re worried it may sound just like the 1000 other resumes on the recruiter’s desk.
You might be overusing clichés, and they won’t serve your resume’s purpose. Replace them with the right resume action words, and see how its tone changes.
In this guide you’ll see:
- What are action verbs for a resume, and how to use them.
- 350+ resume words grouped by keyword synonym.
- Resume action verbs examples in action.
Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.
Sample resume made with our builder—See more resume examples here.
After reviewing 11 million resumes created with our builder, we’ve collected valuable insights from users spanning different industries and levels of experience. Here are the top takeaways to help you design a more effective resume:
Data-Backed Insights From Actual Resumes
- 57.84% of resumes made with our builder are over 300 words, 28.23% are between 101 and 300 words, and 5.35% are under 100 words.
- 3.59% of our users have no work experience, while 28.86% report having less than 3 years of experience.
- Resumes typically list an average of 12.56 skills.
- On average, resumes include 2.61 previous jobs.
What Are Action Verbs?
Action verbs (also called power words or dynamic verbs) describe actions. These are the words you can use on your resume to describe your work activities and professional duties. Action words have positive associations, and that’s why they’re great for highlighting your initiative and strengths.
People tend to minimize their own achievements. But in a resume, minimizing your accomplishments is a thing you should avoid at all costs. It’s important to use action words in your resume profile, whether it’s a resume summary or an objective statement, and at the beginning of each bullet point describing your relevant achievements.
See the difference below:
Resume Action Verbs—Examples
Right |
Wrong |
Even though these accomplishments are the same, they sound way better when using action verbs instead of over-used words.
Pro Tip: Remember that you should use past tenses in a resume when describing your work activities from previous jobs. You can use the present form of resume action verbs to talk about the job you have at the moment.
350+ Action Verbs for a Resume
You don’t have to frantically browse through thousands of words to find the right ones. I’ve done that for you. Just click one of those categories and jump to the action verbs list you need:
- Team Player Action Verbs
- Leadership Words for Resume
- Responsible For Resume Words
- Communication Power Words
- Achiever Action Words
- Worked On Action Verbs for a Resume
- Improved Power Words
- Researched Synonyms
- Creativity and Problem-Solving Words
- Managed Resume Verbs
- Assist Resume Action Verbs
- Utilize Resume Verbs
Best Resume Action Verbs for Team Players
You don’t have to write “worked with 4 other team members on a project” over and over when presenting your work experience in your resume. Instead, use one of these resume action verbs to highlight your teamwork skills. How about “Partnered with team members” or “Contributed to a team project” instead?
Here’s a selection of resume words you can use to describe teamwork activities and collaboration skills:
- Acknowledged
- Amassed
- Anchored
- Assimilated
- Assisted
- Augmented
- Blended
- Collaborated
- Coalesced
- Contributed
- Coordinated
- Cultivated
- Diversified
- Embraced
- Enabled
- Energized
- Enlisted
- Encouraged
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Forged
- Gathered
- Guided
- Harmonized
- Helped
- Ignited
- Joined
- Melded
- Merged
- Motivated
- Partnered
- Participated
- Supported
- Teamed
- United
- Volunteered
- Wove
Best Resume Verbs Describing Leadership
Did you just use the word “led” for the fifth time in your job application? Replace it with “chaired team meetings.” It’s a small change but makes all the difference.
Use the following resume power words to highlight your leadership skills:
- Accelerated
- Appointed
- Authorized
- Boosted
- Chaired
- Coached
- Cultivated
- Delegated
- Developed
- Directed
- Engineered
- Enabled
- Evaluated
- Executed
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Galvanized
- Guided
- Headed
- Hosted
- Implemented
- Inspired
- Initiated
- Mentored
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Nurtured
- Operated
- Orchestrated
- Oversaw
- Pioneered
- Presided
- Reorganized
- Sculpted
- Spearheaded
- Strengthened
- Supervised
- Transformed
- Trained
- Unified
Resume action verbs are great for describing achievements on a resume. See more: Examples of Accomplishments for a Resume
Resume Action Verbs to Use Instead of Responsible For
If you plan to describe your work history by saying, “I was responsible for carrying out various duties,” don’t do this. Instead, be specific and use better words to describe yourself and your accomplishments.
Here’s a bunch of resume action verbs you can apply to describe your duties:
- Accomplished
- Acquired
- Achieved
- Acted As
- Administered
- Assigned
- Authorized
- Carried Out
- Chaired
- Completed
- Consolidated
- Coordinated
- Created
- Delegated
- Developed
- Directed
- Enhanced
- Established
- Executed
- Exceeded
- Expanded
- Facilitated
- Finished
- Forged
- Improved
- Implemented
- Managed
- Made
- Navigated
- Negotiated
- Operated
- Orchestrated
- Organized
- Partnered
- Performed
- Planned
- Prepared
- Prioritized
- Produced
- Resolved
- Secured
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Succeeded In
- Supervised
- Undertook
- Utilized
Best Communication Action Words for a Resume
Communication skills are all the rage today. But if you type “Communicated with XYZ departments” multiple times, the word becomes empty. Instead, try power words on your resume. Say: “Consulted subject-matter experts to clarify the key aspects of the project” or “Informed project stakeholders about updates and milestones.”
The following resume action words are great for describing communication at work:
- Advocated
- Addressed
- Advertised
- Announced
- Answered
- Articulated
- Authored
- Broadcasted
- Clarified
- Composed
- Consulted
- Conveyed
- Convinced
- Corresponded
- Defined
- Disclosed
- Disseminated
- Documented
- Explained
- Expressed
- Fielded
- Illustrated
- Influenced
- Informed
- Interpreted
- Liaised
- Mediated
- Moderated
- Negotiated
- Presented
- Promoted
- Persuaded
- Publicized
- Reported
- Shared
- Summarized
- Transmitted
Achiever Action Words for a Resume
If you’re one of those high achievers that headhunters seek, your resume might be filled to the brim with the word “achieved.” Try using other words to replace it—they’ll also carry more concrete meaning, thus making your work profile more attractive.
See these resume words that can replace the verb “achieve”:
- Accelerated
- Accomplished
- Advanced
- Amplified
- Attained
- Boosted
- Completed
- Created
- Delivered
- Elevated
- Enacted
- Enhanced
- Exceeded
- Expanded
- Expedited
- Executed
- Generated
- Improved
- Increased
- Lifted
- Managed
- Maximized
- Optimized
- Outpaced
- Produced
- Realized
- Stimulated
- Surpassed
Worked On Action Verbs for a Resume
“At my previous company, I worked on multiple projects.” Boring. How about being more specific? Replacing words devoid of meaning with resume action verbs not only sounds better but also helps save space on the document. And that’s the key to making a one-page resume.
These resume power words can replace the verb “work on”:
- Arranged
- Assembled
- Built
- Compiled
- Composed
- Constructed
- Coordinated
- Crafted
- Created
- Developed
- Devised
- Engaged In
- Engineered
- Established
- Executed
- Fashioned
- Forged
- Formulated
- Improved
- Launched
- Made
- Made Progress On
- Operated
- Organized
- Perfected
- Prepared
- Processed
- Pursued
- Put Together
- Refined
- Resolved
- Set Up
- Spearheaded
- Transformed
- Undertook
Making a resume with our builder is incredibly simple. Follow our step-by-step guide, use ready-made content tailored to your job and have a resume ready in minutes.
When you’re done, Zety’s resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.
Action Words for Resume to Describe Improvement
If improving things is your specialty, you might end up repeating this word endlessly. Try using other resume verbs as opposed. For example, if you’re writing a resume for a UX designer, you can change “improved the app interface” to “redesigned the app interface.”
These action verbs for a resume can be used to replace the word “improve”:
- Amplified
- Boosted
- Converted
- Customized
- Enhanced
- Expanded
- Grew
- Improved
- Integrated
- Lifted
- Maximized
- Merged
- Optimized
- Overhauled
- Raised
- Redesigned
- Refined
- Remodeled
- Reorganized
- Restructured
- Revamped
- Revitalized
- Saved
- Simplified
- Slashed
- Streamlined
- Strengthened
- Transformed
- Updated
- Upgraded
Best Resume Power Words for Researched
A scientist’s resume might turn out swarmed with the word “researched.” But you can use other strong resume words to show your analytical skills, and we’ve featured them on the action verbs list below.
Here’s a collection of resume action words to use instead of “to research”:
- Analyzed
- Assessed
- Audited
- Calculated
- Checked
- Classified
- Collected
- Critiqued
- Defined
- Diagnosed
- Discovered
- Evaluated
- Examined
- Explored
- Identified
- Inspected
- Interpreted
- Investigated
- Mapped
- Measured
- Probed
- Proved
- Quantified
- Reviewed
- Studied
- Surveyed
- Systemized
- Tested
- Tracked
- Uncovered
- Verified
Resume Power Words for Creativity and Problem-Solving
Maybe you’re an artist, a designer, an engineer, or a natural innovator. You create something all the time. But repeating this word makes it meaningless. Instead, say: “Drafted a mock design for a smartphone app,” “Built a prototype of an engine,” or “Designed a collection of 10 garments”.
Try these action verbs examples to highlight your creative skills and problem-solving activities:
- Altered
- Built
- Conceptualized
- Corrected
- Crafted
- Designed
- Determined
- Devised
- Drafted
- Engineered
- Enhanced
- Established
- Fashioned
- Fixed
- Formulated
- Improvised
- Initiated
- Innovated
- Invented
- Modified
- Overhauled
- Patched
- Piloted
- Pioneered
- Rebuilt
- Redesigned
- Reimagined
- Resolved
- Revised
- Simplified
- Streamlined
Strong Action Verbs to Use Instead of Managed
Managers manage, and haters gonna hate. Don’t want a hiring manager reading your application to become one of those haters? Then replace the word “managed” with other good resume words that can help highlight management skills.
Change the word “manage” to one of these resume action verbs:
- Administered
- Aligned
- Chaired
- Coordinated
- Cultivated
- Delegated
- Directed
- Enabled
- Facilitated
- Fostered
- Guided
- Headed
- Hired
- Inspired
- Mentored
- Mobilized
- Motivated
- Organized
- Oversaw
- Planned
- Recruited
- Regulated
- Shaped
- Spearheaded
- Steered
- Supervised
- Taught
- Trained
- Unified
- United
Resume Action Verbs to Replace Assist
Maybe you’re writing an assistant resume, and the word “assisted” just sounds natural. But after using it for the 5th time, it just sounds bad. Show what your job duties really involve by using a different resume word.
Here are 25 resume power words to employ instead of “assist”:
- Abetted
- Advanced
- Aided
- Boosted
- Coached
- Collaborated
- Cooperated
- Counseled
- Dispatched
- Encouraged
- Endorsed
- Expedited
- Facilitated
- Guided
- Helped
- Intervened
- Maintained
- Promoted
- Propped
- Reinforced
- Salvaged
- Served
- Supported
- Sustained
- Uplifted
Resume Power Words to Replace Utilize
At work, you might utilize various resources, methods, teams, approaches… But you could also substitute this word with a different one. For example, you can “apply a new method” instead of utilizing it.
Consider changing the word ‘utilize’ for the action verbs examples below:
- Adopted
- Applied
- Deployed
- Employed
- Executed
- Exerted
- Exploited
- Handled
- Implemented
- Leveraged
- Mobilized
- Operated
- Optimized
- Promoted
- Put to Use
- Restored
- Revived
- Specialized In
You can use resume power words to upgrade your LinkedIn profile, too. That’s just one of the ways to improve it. Learn more: How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
Looking for other ways to improve your resume? Check these guides:
- Best Resume Keywords to Pass ATS Scans
- What Are Resume Buzzwords?
- Improve Your Resume Quickly: Instructions & Tips
- Best Resume Tips to Use in 2025
- What Are the Best Fonts for a Resume?
- "Excellent" Synonyms
- "Coordinate" Synonyms
- "Organized" Synonyms
- "Created" Synonyms
- Put These Skills on Your Resume: Skills Examples
Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here. Here's what it may look like:
See more cover letter templates and start writing.
Key Takeaways
Here’s a recap of resume words and how to use them:
- Resume action verbs are words that introduce accomplishments. They describe job duties but leave room for all-important metrics.
- Don’t say you’re skilled, a go-getter, or hardworking. Back it up with resume power words and concrete figures.
- Action verbs for resumes can make your document more readable. They’ll also help you prove your worth and get many more interviews.
Do you have questions about resume action words? Not sure how to use resume power words to get the best effect? Give me a shout in the comments! Let's talk about phrases to level up your resume wording.
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This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines. We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.
- Neumeister K., "Interpreting Successes and Failures: The Influence of Perfectionism on Perspective", published in Journal for the Education of the Gifted
- Lang J., Kern M., Zapf D., "Retaining High Achievers in Times of Demographic Change. The Effects of Proactivity, Career Satisfaction and Job Embeddedness on Voluntary Turnover", published in Psychology (2016)